Don Bosco Tech Society

08 Mar 2019-Women's Day Celebrations

PMKK centre celebrated women’s day at Don Bosco Kokar Ranchi on 08 March 2019 in the assembly hall. All the trainees of Kokar centre were present for the celebration. It was the event to appreciate the women and to thank them for their role in the society.

The program started with a song on empowering women by the candidates of the centre. During the gathering all the member present decided to celebrate this day every day by their respect and appreciation to women. In between the program some of the candidates were asked to share the thought about the presence of women in the society and it turned to be the best program which made everyone respects oneself by giving respect to God’s creation.

At the end of the program power points were screened to make everyone aware what women have been doing for the betterment of the society and what their contribution in each once life. Towards the end of the program women’s day song was sang by the candidates to wish all the women present for the celebration. 

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