
21 Dec 2024-The joy of celebrating Christmas

Preparations for the Christmas celebrations in the institute had begun well ahead of time. Everyone in the institute do long for this season of Christmas as it brings forth lot of joy and enjoyment together with immense enthusiasm. There was lot of team work among the staff and trainees to bring out the best by way of decorations, lightings and cultural program on the day of celebration on 21st December.

The task of organizing the whole program was entrusted to the second-year electrician trainees together with the teachers of the same trade. There were several meetings to plan in details for the upcoming Christmas celebration. The principal gave full support to the team. The entire institute building was lit with colourful tiny bulbs. It was also a chance for the trainees to show case their practical knowledge and it was done very well indeed as all those who visited appreciated the fabulous work.

The crib just in front of the building was well preparee and lit up well. Many visitors took time to click photos of the crib as well as the decorated building especially in the evenings. There was also a crib making competition in which the crib made by green house was declared as the best among the four. Those involved in the crib making competition gave lot of time and energy to bring out the best possible.

Christmas gathering was held on 21st December at 10.5 a m. At the outset the crib was inaugurated by Fr. George Tharayil and everyone gathered around the crib at that time. A small but colourful stage was prepared in the playground and everyone gathered there for the rest of the program. There were dances and carol songs besides the skit presentation on Christmas (birth of Jesus 2000 years ago). It was very well done and it was coordinated by Mrs. Sudha and Mrs. Pratima. Fr. Babu Varghese, the Director gave a short message and he emphasized on the necessity of working and growing together in love for the betterment of everyone. Br. Ignatius too gave a short Christmas message emerging from his life experience.

Br. Tom, the Principal of the institute gave a message towards the end of the program and invited everyone to be generous with time and energy without thinking of only advantages. He also thanked all the organizers and the performers for the beautiful day as everything went on fabulously well. At the end Santa too came and entertained for a while after which there was a lucky dip program for everyone and all got a gift each. Everyone was given a piece of Christmas cake each and an institute Calander as well.

After the program some of the trainees and teachers hanged around for some time dancing and clicking photos as well. On the whole there was an atmosphere of joy and happiness together with a sense of contentment on everyone’s face. Gradually all left the campus to come back on 6th January to resume classes with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

The children of the evening school too had a fabulous Christmas gathering on 18th December. It was a mesmerizing evening indeed as the children had a very good time indeed with lot of fun and games. After a short cultural program, they had lot of chance games in which they got prizes. The tickets were given to them freely according to their attendance. Some of the got eight to nine prizes from the chance games. They were also given a shawl each as gift and the same was sponsored by Fr. Anand Surin. The children do enjoy their evening classes and other activities conducted from time to time and so they love to be in the campus in the evening hours.

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